So these guys were supposed to open up for the MIA show i went to a couple months ago but didn't show up. Did a search and saw some of their vids and was able to track down their EP: Totally Flossed Out. I guess its been out for about 5-6 months. They're on a throwback steez but I guess that's the "hip" thing now...But are they any good or just a bunch of hipster rappers??? Tell me wut u think???
I've always thought that 2pac was a complex and troubled prophet. And while the majority of people are hypnotized with holiday cheer and false genorosity, I'll continue to seek a counter narrative. Here's one...listen to Pac break down his memories of da holidays...
i'm not da biggest fan of lupe fiasco but listen to him "switch" his style up over the "still tippin'" instrumental. check out da original sample here, if u like.
I pretty much agree. Roger Troutman was the "king of the voice box" and T Pain's use of the same effect is a pathetic knock off!!! His popularity will soon fade as most trends do!! I'm tired of hearing him on da hook of every new pop song. I think Nate Dogg was the only cat that really made a career out of singing hooks. LBC represent!!!
Peace and blessings good people and good spirits! I decided to create this mainly as a musical representation of my past and current projects (cuz myspace isn't really doin' it for me and it takes too damn long to load). As a DJ and music digga I often get asked the question, "What muzik/artists are you feelin' right now?" So this is also a space for my musical rants, leads to good muzik. First things first, and other random shit that I come across. I will be putting up all my current mixtape releases with a link so that you can purchase it thru paypal. Thank you to all those who have shown love and continue to support my creations. Keep it locked!!!